Friday, May 6, 2011

Research Paper and Topics

Research Paper Evaluation

Your Research Paper must either be a topic below, or a topic agreed upon by you and the instructor. If you choose your own topic, you must begin by listing 8 pertinent questions about your topic under the topics title. NOTE: QUESTIONS DO NOT HAVE TO BE ANSWERED IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER.
-Papers must be typed double-spaced in either Word, Pages, or Text Edit (I recommend Pages if working from the classroom Macs).  Can be turned in in electronic form.
-Must be at least 800 words in length, clearly organized, paraphrased (not copied).
-Must have citations and bibliograpy. 
-Papers are due NO LATER THAN MAY 31st to give adequate time for grading. Since this may affect your final grade (and possibly your graduation status) it is imperative that you keep to this deadline. I will NOT be able to change your grade after this date. 

1) Invention of Movies (late 1800’s)

1) What motion picture-like devices predate film as we know it? Date them.
2) Who invented the film camera? When?
3) Who invented the film projector? When?
4) How were films viewed before the modern projector? (image projected onto screen)
5) Where was the first public film projected?
6) Who invented celluloid film? What did they use before it was celluloid?
7) What devices did people view motion pictures on before modern projection? How did these device work?
8) What forms of visual entertainment did Americans have prior to modern films? What happened to these entertainment forms after cinema became popular?
2) Censorship–The Hays Code, the MPAA and the Films Ratings System

1) Who was the Hays code named for?
2) What is the other name it’s known as?
3) What does MPAA stand for?
4) Why did Hollywood begin censorship of films?
5) What were some of the censorship rules and guidelines? In other words, What sort of things could not be shown?
6) How did films change after censorship began?
7) What was the film ratings system?
8) When did the rating system start and how has it changed since its inception? 
3) Hollywood Studio System
1) What were some of the earliest Hollywood Studios (1900-1920's)? Who ran them?
2)Why did early filmmakers go to Hollywood in the first place?
3) What was the structure of the Hollywood studio system?
4) How were “stars” cultivated and groomed during the 30’s and 40’s?
5) What freedoms or restrictions did talent and crew have while working under contract to the studio?
6) How were actors whose ethnicity was not caucasion treated during the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s?
7) What were five of the biggest studios in Hollywood and who ran them? 
8) When did the era of the big Hollywood Studio System end, and why?

Some other possible topics:
-History of 3-D
-History of animation
-Career of any famous director
-History of silent movies
-History of television
-Foreign cinema
-The Hollywood Blacklist and McCarthy Era

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