Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2nd Semester, 1st quarter Assignments

Students are expected to keep up with assignments. This means:

1) Writing objectives for each day (dated) on a single sheet to be kept inside student's folder. Objective sheets will be turned in at the end of each quarter for grading (5 pts each for each legible and dated objective, worth about 100 pts for each quarter).

2) Term of the Day: TOTDs are also written on a running sheet of paper, dated, and kept inside student folders, for handy reference. Also turned in at the quarter's end for 5 pts each.

3) Assignments related to preproduction: synopses, storyboards, group crew lists, etc.

4) Production: The actual work of filming.  Your videos won't make themselves, and waiting for somebody else to do the work for you will result in points off your project. Don't believe for a minute that Ms. Hawks doesn't take notice of who is working and who is slacking.

5) Postproduction: It is very easy to allow one or two people in your group to do all the editing work, but team members need to be sharing time on the editor.

6) Assessment: When video projects are screened, it is up to each student to write a minimum amount of evaluations.

7) Team Assessment: The team member evaluation (including yourself) is an important piece of self and team reflection. No matter how good you are, there is most likely room for improvement, so nobody should be rated all 4s.

Assignments so Far:

 Jan 4, Synopis: 20 pts:  Each student must write a one sentence synopsis of a movie.

Jan 6, Storyboards; 50 pts: Each student must draw 5 storyboard panels for the Movie Trailer Project

Jan 7, Terms of the Day #1 - 8, 40 pts

Jan 27, MTP Checklist, 25 pts

Jan 31, Keynote Animation (in class participation) 50 pts

Feb 3, Camera Angle #2 Movie Trailer Project Rough Cut: 240 possible points

Feb 11, Team Evaluation, 20 pts

Feb 15, MTP Evaluations, 100 pts

Feb 28, Character Outline, 30 pts

March 2, Keynote Animated Character 1-2 page script - 50 pts

March 4, Keynote Anthropormorphized Animation - 200 pts

March 8 Terms of the Day #'s 9 - 18 - 50 pts

Cinema Arts 2nd Semester Assignments

These are the assignments so far. Most of the CA students have all blanks or very few points, which means you are either not doing your assignments, or not turning them in. I suggest you see me about this.  Please review the work in your folder and see how much of this you have done.

NOTE: The SI doc preregistration form MUST be done and turned in by Friday, Jan 28 at the very latest! 

Jan 5: What is Art? 50 pts
Jan 7: Doc Fest Intro: 50 pts
Jan 11: Nonprofit Research: 50 pts
Jan 18: Doc Prep: 20 pts
Jan 20: Interview Questions & Shots: 50 pts
Jan 24: Interview Letter: 30 pts
Jan 24: Doc Fest Preregistration Form: 20 pts