Camera Angle #2 Project 240 possible points
Objective: Students will create a short Movie Trailer in their production teams.
1) All new camera angles & movements must be included, but others may be used as well. The Camera Angles that must be included are: Low Angle, High Angle, Canted/Dutch Angle, Bird's Eye View, Worm's Eye View, Dolly, Zoom, Track/Truck, Let In/Let Out, Let In and Follow
2. Must follow the Movie Trailer Genre, meaning it must contain elements which distinguish a trailer from a film, e.g., MPAA Preview Approval Screen, "Coming Soon,""Starring..."
3. Movie that the trailer is about must have a clear genre, e.g., must show elements of horror or romance.
4. The trailer may be about:
A) The movie your team just made, and may include some shots from that movie.
B) A movie that doesn't yet exist.
C) A movie that has been made already.
5. Before your team will be allowed to film, you must submit:
A) A clear synopsis of the story that you are making the trailer for.
B) A Team-produced storyboard. Each person in your team must contribute to this storyboard. For instance, if there are 3 persons on your team, each person must draw at least 3 of the new angles in storyboard panels.
Objective: Students will create a short Movie Trailer in their production teams.
1) All new camera angles & movements must be included, but others may be used as well. The Camera Angles that must be included are: Low Angle, High Angle, Canted/Dutch Angle, Bird's Eye View, Worm's Eye View, Dolly, Zoom, Track/Truck, Let In/Let Out, Let In and Follow
2. Must follow the Movie Trailer Genre, meaning it must contain elements which distinguish a trailer from a film, e.g., MPAA Preview Approval Screen, "Coming Soon,""Starring..."
3. Movie that the trailer is about must have a clear genre, e.g., must show elements of horror or romance.
4. The trailer may be about:
A) The movie your team just made, and may include some shots from that movie.
B) A movie that doesn't yet exist.
C) A movie that has been made already.
5. Before your team will be allowed to film, you must submit:
A) A clear synopsis of the story that you are making the trailer for.
B) A Team-produced storyboard. Each person in your team must contribute to this storyboard. For instance, if there are 3 persons on your team, each person must draw at least 3 of the new angles in storyboard panels.