Monday, January 3, 2011

Jan 4/5th Trailer - Synopsis - Storyboard

Objective: Students will view several theatrical trailers and
storyboards and engage in group discussion about their elements. Each
student will write a synopsis for a movie they would like to make a
trailer for and each student will contribute 5 storyboard panels for
their group’s movie trailer.

Objective: 5 pts
Synopsis: 20 pts
Storyboard panels: 10 pts each (total of 50 pts) if either well drawn or
well described. 

Movie Trailer: Team project - 240 possible points

Must include one each of the following camera angles or movements, each worth 20 pts:
High angle, low angle, worm's eye view, bird's eye view, zoom, dolly, truck or track, let in and/or let out, let in and follow, canted/dutch angle.  Also must include production & "the following preview.." screen (20 pts), intertitle & "coming soon" screen (20 pts).  

Movie Synopsis - 20 pts

A synopsis is a brief description of what a movie is about. A movie with a solid, good story is easy to write a synopsis for. 

Begin with a noun/pronoun (person, thing), add a verb (an action; something happens, somebody does something) that results in another verb (something else happens because of verb #1). 

Example: "Feed the Kitty" Warner Brothers Cartoon, 1952

A vicious bulldog (bulldog = noun) falls in love with a kitten (“falls in love” = verb #1) takes it home and tries to hide the kitten from his owner (“tries to hide” = verb #2)

Storyboard panels - 50 pts

Storyboard panels are more than just drawings, they also use
descriptions and show or name camera angles or movements to convey the
information about the shot for the cast and crew. They also sometimes
include dialogue written in quotation marks. Your storyboard panels will
not be considered complete without a written description and camera
angles written under or alongside them.