Friday, April 29, 2011

Final Project Requirements - 4/29 25 pts

Final Project Requirements - Copy these and sign your name for 25 points
1) Have a very cool animated production company screen (use Keynote)
2) Production company jingle to accompany production screen (produced in Garageband)
3) At least 3 minutes, not including production screen, credits or bloopers. There is no maximum length restriction.
4) Genre must be clear. Project can be any appropriate genre.
5) Must have either a script or storyboard BEFORE going into production (by May 9/10.
6) Production must begin NO LATER THAN MAY 9/10. 10 points per day taken off for not being prepared for production.
7) Must have clear beginning, middle, end. 
8) Must have copyright free incidental music, music, or sound effects in final cut - either from Garageband or rights-free music from our sound library. 
9) Must be internet appropriate (no sexual or drug references). Ask Ms Hawks if you have any questions about this.
10) Students who are clearly not working toward this project, or working on make-up assignments (i.e., goofing off, looking at internet site unrelated to project) will have their computer accts shut down.  If you HAVE ALL WORK CAUGHT UP - check with me and I may allow you some free internet time.
11) Final Project is due NO LATER THAN MAY 20. 

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