Friday, February 11, 2011

VP Feb 15/16 Student Film Evaluation

Student Film Evaluation; 10 points for each complete evaluation with comments; 10 evals for 100 possible points

Objective: Students will view student Movie Trailer Projects and use rubric to evaluate the films.

Assignment: After viewing each film, fill out your rubric to evaluate each film. After you are done, tally up the points for the films.

1) EACH STUDENT - creates an evaluation sheet. Please keep it neat, write clearly.

Your eval should look like this:

(Your Name)

Title: The Forest, p3
Entertainment Value: _________
What worked:
Needs work:

2) Use a computer with a Video account, the password is "video."

3) Read carefully through your rubric to make sure you understand how to use the evaluation system.

4) Watch the films and fill in the category rating with numbers.

5) Write something that worked well in the video behind "what worked."
Write something that needs work behing "needs work." Be specific in your comments. Writing "nothing" or "everything" is not acceptable.

Once you have evaluated 10 films (of your choice) turn all evaluations in to Ms Hawks. Be sure to staple the pages together, and put your name on all papers.

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