Monday, February 28, 2011

March 2 - Anthropomorphic Animation

March 2 - Anthropomorphic Animation - 200 pts - Due March 8th (Periods 2-4) and March 9th (per. 5-7)

Objective: Students will use Keynote and iMovie to create a short anthropomorphized animated character movie.

Why take the time to develop an animated character? Because if you are creative and diligent, work hard and keep at it you may be able to turn this into a well paying entrepreneurial career for yourself. How well paying? Well take a look at this page that tells how much these Youtube entrepreneurs are making. 

Instructions: Using Anthro Character Outline, Screenplay, and any prior animation (if you wish), create an animated character in Keynote.

Requirements: Animation project must:

1) Be 30 seconds or longer in length, not counting title page.
2) Have an animated title page with byline done in Keynote
3) Have an anthropomorphized animated character that is not a copy of anybody else's character.
4) Have at least 5 lines of dialogue that are punctuated by action. Dialogue may be voiceover or text-in-dialogue ballon.
5) Have an "End" screen with credits.
6) Have no more than 3 seconds "dead" time, that is, time on screen where there is no movement.
7) Must have PUBLIC DOMAIN/COPYRIGHT CLEARED music as background. NO EXCEPTIONS! This means choosing music from iMovie, Garageband, or from Sound Effects Library (ask Ms Hawks).
8) Must be appropriate for an 8 year old child to watch (no swear words, gorey/bloody violence, drug or sexual references).

NOTE:  It may be possible for 2 or more students to work on the same animation, but project will need to be longer. Speak to Ms. Hawks about details.

Feb 28 - Screenplay

Feb 28

1 Page Screenplay Assignment - 50 pts

Objective: Students will write a 1 page (or more, if they wish) screenplay in professional format using the character they are developing for their Anthropomorphic Animations.

Instructions: Use the TECH TIP below to open a screenplay page template. Click into the template and rewrite using your own words and ideas. Be sure to SAVE OFTEN and save your drafts to your DESKTOP. When you are done, notify Ms Hawks and she will review and grade your screenplay. No need to print unless you really want to.

Remember, if you have already been animating in Keynote, you can simply write the character, dialogue and action of that animation as a screenplay.


Screenplay must have AT LEAST:
1) A title page with title, your name and date
2) 1 Scene Heading/Slugline
3) 3 separate action descriptions.
4) 5 Character Headings with lines of dialogue underneath.

TECH TIP: To start a professional screenplay, first review How to Format a Screenplay at the site. Here's the link to the professional screenplay for Raising Arizona by the Coen Brothers.
To open a screenplay template; 1) open your Pages software (icon looks like an ink bottle and pen). 2) Choose Miscellaneous from under Word Processing. Choose the Screenplay template from here. A professionally formatted screenplay will appear, written mostly in latin text. We will be going over how to use this template in class.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cinema Arts 3rd Quarter Assignments

Cinema Arts students should check their folders for work graded for the 3rd quarter. If these assignments are missing, your grade may not be what you wish it to be. Please see Ms Hawks to check your grade. All assignments are due NO LATER THAN MARCH 9TH.

1/5  What is Art? 50 pts

1/7  Doc Fes Research 50 pts

1/11 Non Profit Research 50pts

1/20 10 Questions & Shots for Doc Interview 50 pts

1/24  Doc Fest Form  20 pts

2/3 SHS staff interview 50 pts

2/15 MTP Evaluations 100 pts

2/25  Character Outline 30 pts

2/28  Anthro Character Script 50 pts

3/8  Anthropomorphized Animation 200 pts

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Character Development Sheet - 30 pts

Feb 28;  Character Development Sheet - 30 pts

Objective: Students will create an outline of a anthropomorphized* character's qualities.

*TOTD #15

Instructions: In order to develop a character, writers and creators of animation use character sheets to learn more about their character and make them more interesting. A well developed character can be worth a lot of money. Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse as an animated character in 1928 and spun this character's popularity into the Disney world empire now worth 56 billion dollars. Here is Disney's Mind Map that helped him build and expand his business.

On a sheet of paper, write the following along the left margin:

1) Character name: Mickey Mouse

2) Animal or Object: Mouse

3) Gender: Male

4) What sort of voice does this character have? High, squeaky

5) Five Adjectives that Describe Basic Character: Happy, bouncy, friendly, curious, smart

6) Basic conflict with the world or other character: Wants things to be nice, and people to get along

7) What does this character want? To have fun

8) Does your character have a friend, sidekick, or pet? Describe them. A dog named Pluto, a friend named Goofy

Friday, February 11, 2011

VP Feb 15/16 Student Film Evaluation

Student Film Evaluation; 10 points for each complete evaluation with comments; 10 evals for 100 possible points

Objective: Students will view student Movie Trailer Projects and use rubric to evaluate the films.

Assignment: After viewing each film, fill out your rubric to evaluate each film. After you are done, tally up the points for the films.

1) EACH STUDENT - creates an evaluation sheet. Please keep it neat, write clearly.

Your eval should look like this:

(Your Name)

Title: The Forest, p3
Entertainment Value: _________
What worked:
Needs work:

2) Use a computer with a Video account, the password is "video."

3) Read carefully through your rubric to make sure you understand how to use the evaluation system.

4) Watch the films and fill in the category rating with numbers.

5) Write something that worked well in the video behind "what worked."
Write something that needs work behing "needs work." Be specific in your comments. Writing "nothing" or "everything" is not acceptable.

Once you have evaluated 10 films (of your choice) turn all evaluations in to Ms Hawks. Be sure to staple the pages together, and put your name on all papers.

Cine Arts 2/11/11 Movie Rating Rubric

Cinema Arts Feb. 11th  50 points

Objective: Students will research rubrics to rate student videos and create a rubric of their own.

Assignment: Use the internet to research rubrics used to evaluate student films, gather ideas, and modify them to create a rubric of their own. A point value needs to be assigned for each aspect of the evaluation.
Evaluations should cover the following:

-Technical aspects of the film

-Artistic qualities

-Entertainment value

Thursday, February 10, 2011

VP; Team Evaluation

Team Evaluation  20 pts

Create a grid with all team member names (including your own) in columns, and the qualities in rows.
 Rate each member on a 0 to 4 pt scale: 4 = Always, 3 = Usually, 2 = Sometimes, 1 = Rarely, 0 = Never.

Number a list at the left of your page from 1 - 18 and write the following

1. Present
2. Respectful
3. Helpful
4. Responsible
5. Communicative
6. Proactive (takes charge)
7. Participates
8. Cooperative
9. Flexible
10. Committed
11. Disciplined (stays on task)
12. Enthusiastic
13. Dependable
14. Competent (has learned the proper skills)
15. Honest
16. Prepared
17. Selfless (no "I" in team!)
18. Fun

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cine Arts Objectives, Semester 2

Jan 5, ’11 “What Is Art?”
Objective:  Students will examine and answer five of the following eight questions about art in their own written words. Students will then share their answers in a class discussion.
Jan 7, ’11  Social Issues Documentary Intro
Objective; Students will prepare to make a social issues documentary to submit to the SI Docs film festival by reading the doc fest website, watching winning doc from prior year, and brainstorming local social issues relevant to themselves

Jan 11, ’11 “Non-profit Issue Research & Discussion”
Objective:  Students will research local non-profit agencies in the Monterey Bay Area to prepare for Social Issues Documentary Project. Students will share their research findings in group discussion.
Jan 18, ’11 “Documentary Subject Research”
Objective: Students will form production teams of 2-3 and decide upon a suitable subject for a social issue documentary. Teams will begin research on their subject.
Jan 20, ’11 “Interview Questions, B-Roll”
Objective: Student teams will write ten questions related to their video topic to answer, and two possible people to interview on campus on Jan 24th. Teams will also list ten possible shots (B-Roll) related to their subject. Students will then share their questions and shots and brainstorm with other groups for more ideas for interviews/shots.
Jan 24, ’11 “Interview Letter”
Student teams will write a formal letter to introduce themselves and describe their project to prospective interviewees.
Jan 26, ’11 “Doc Fest Registration Form”
Student teams will fill out the Social Issues Documentary Festival form, describing their proposed project and their plan to execute the video.
Feb 1, ’11 “Grade Check, Assignment Completion”
Students will list all assignments and check for missing and incomplete work.
Feb 3, ’11 “SHS Staff Interviews”
Objective:  Students will write 3 interview questions related to their documentary projects and work in production teams to video interview at least 3 staff members.
Feb 7, ’11 “Academy Award Winning Documentary”
Objective: Students will view the award winning doc “Smile Pinki” and discuss what was components of filmmaking were effective.

Cine Arts Feb 3, Staff Interviews

CA LP Feb 3   - 50 pts
Objective:  Students will write interview questions related to their documentary projects and work in production teams to video interview at least 3 staff members. 
1) Each student writes one question related to the documentary project. (10 min)

2) Choose crew roles: 1 interviewer, 1 cam op., 1 recorder to get full names and titles of interviewees.

3) Find SHS staff members to interview, politely ask if you may do a brief video interview  and tell them your subject.  Be sure to thank them when you are done.

If you have time, import your footage into iMovie.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb 2/3 : Due Dates/ Assignments

Objective: Students will review upcoming due dates and assignments due so far for this semester. Students will continue post production work on Movie Trailer Project and Keynote Animations.

Due Dates:
Rough cut of Movie Trailer Project due Friday Feb 4/Monday Feb 7 (all 10 shots, MPAA screen, Coming Soon/Intertitle/Starring) Voice over, music, transitions need not be done.
Final Cut Due: February 10/11.
All assignments so far for this semester due by Tuesday Feb 8 (NO LATER!!!!)

1) List all assignments on a sheet of paper with your name and date. 

2) Check folder for graded papers and check off completed and graded assignments.

3) Complete and turn in missing assignments or work that needs to be done. 

4.) Check in with Ms Hawks about grade.

5.) If all other work is complete, work on MT project or Keynote Animation

Grade Check/Assignments so far: 
1/4 - Synopsis 20 pts
1/6 Storyboards/5 Panels - 50 pts
1/31 - Keynote Intro - 50 pts
Terms of the Day (8 @ 5pts each) 40 pts
MTP Checklist (completed) 25 pts
Rough Cut Movie Trailer  240 pts (Ms Hawks will evaluate when you are ready)
425 pts due by Feb 7th