Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cine Arts Jan. '11

CA LP January 24

Objective: Student teams will fill out preregistration form for Social Issues Doc Fest. Also, teams will write a brief letter describing their social documentary project for potential video interviewees and what they wish to interview them about. The letter will request an interview time for 7th period this week.

Instructions: Fill out Doc Fest form. Use Pages software for writing the interviewee letter. Ms Hawks will make copies of this letter for you to give to potential interviewees.

20 pts doc fest form filled out legibly and intelligently
30 points for well-written letter (use Pages letter template).

CA LP Jan 20
Objective: Student teams will write ten questions related to their video topic to answer, and two possible people to interview on campus on Jan 24th.
These questions can be answered directly or through video content. Students will also list ten possible shots related to their subject. Students will then share their questions and shots and brainstorm with other groups for more ideas for interviews/shots.

1) Get into teams, write a team list of questions, interviewees, and shots (until  12: 05). At least one interviewee must be a SHS staff member. 
2) Move into class discussion group. Elect one member to share questions, shots, possible interviewees. 
(discussion until 12: 25).
3) Write a brief letter to your potential interviewee describing your social documentary project and what you wish to interview them about. Ask if you could interview them January 24th during 6th, 7th, or 8th period.  Use Pages software for this; Ms Hawks will print the letter for you.

CA LP Jan 18
Objective: Students will form groups of 2-3 and decided upon a suitable subject for a social issue documentary.  We will discuss these in class.

LP CA   Jan 11, ’11  Tuesday  50 pts.
Lesson Plan: Non-profit and Issue Research & Discussion
Objective:  Students will research local non-profit agencies in the Monterey Bay Area to prepare for Social Issues Documentary Project. Students will share their research findings in group discussion.
Instructions: Using your list of social issues, Google the issue and Monterey Bay, or a local area (e.g., Gang Violence + Salinas) and locate local agencies that deal with the issues you have listed. Try to locate about 3 to 5 agencies.
You have about 50 minutes to do this.
Bring your research with you to the class discussion, and share your findings. Your goal is to evaluate what topics would be the ones you feel would make the strongest documentary.

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