Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cinema Arts Final

The 1st Semester Cinema Arts Final will consist of four parts: Reading, Essay, Skills, Knowledge.

Part 1: Reading for Information - US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010-2011 Edition; Motion Picture & Video Industries. 80 Points

Instructions:  Read and familiarize yourself with the questions, then read carefully through the document which can be found at this link US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010-2011 Edition: Motion Picture and Video Industries   (also Ms Hawks will pass out a copy to each student).  Write the questions and your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Please be neat and write legibly. Use complete sentences an paraphrase (use your words) the information.

1. Give three specific examples of how digital technology is changing the motion picture industry.

2. Describe several of the advantages and challenges of working in the motion picture industry.

3. Table 2 shows the employment numbers for workers in the film industry for 2008, and the projected percentage increase of workers needed for 2008 through 2018. Which 6 occupations are expected to have the most growth?

4. Under the Training and Advancement section, the document talks about schooling for various occupations, but what qualities do they say are the most important for getting a job?

5. Wage and Salary employment in the film industry is expected to grow between 2008 and 2018. How much more will it grow in comparison to all other industries?

6. Name the three occupations in the creative sector of filmmaking that earn the highest median wage, and write what their median wage is.

7. Name three industry unions and who belongs to them. Also, why do you think workers join industry unions?

8. Why is reading a document of this nature helpful to someone?

Part 2: Essay - 200 possible points

Instructions: Choose a movie that has made a significant emotional impact on you and write a two-page single-spaced essay about it. Describe the cinematic techniques that the filmmaker used to create an emotional effect, and be detailed in telling the scenes and how the filmmaker dealt with them. Points will be given for completeness (20%), attention to detail (20%), organization (20%), content (use of cinema terms, unique observations about the film) (20%), neatness (20%).
NOTE: It is best to have a movie you can watch in detail and take notes.

Part 3: Skills: Camera Set up - 50 possible points

Student must demonstrate ability to set up tripod, camera and sound equipment.

1) Take tripod from bag, set it up so that camera is at eye-level and the tripod is level.
2) Set up Panasonic DV camera with tape, battery.
3) Get all equipment necessary for sound. Set up for lavalier mic.
4) Turn on camera and test sound and video.
5) Return all items to their proper storage area.

Part 4: Knowledge: Multiple Choice and Matching Final - 200 pts

See blog posts Final Study Guides parts 1, 2 and 3 to find out content.