Monday, April 4, 2011

Spine Tingler! - The William Castle Story

Objective: Students will watch the historic documentary, "Spine Tingler! - The William Castle Story" and answer questions related to the film.

During the 50's, filmmaker William Castle made a name for himself in Hollywood by creating and marketing films with special gimmicks to bring in audiences. Although his films were low budget "B" movies, he managed to make them blockbusters through his creative use of theatrical devices.


1.) What were "A" and "B" movies? (10 pts)

2.) About how many days did William Castle have to film his movies? (production days). (2 pts)

3.) Describe four gimmicks that William Castle used in his movies. (8 pts)

4.) If these gimmicks, or gimmicks like them were used in theaters today, do you think they would have the same success? Why or why not? (10 pts)

Hey Kids! Read the comment! How cool! Thanks Mr. Schwarz!

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so happy...

    Jeffrey Schwarz
    Producer / Director
