Monday, February 28, 2011

March 2 - Anthropomorphic Animation

March 2 - Anthropomorphic Animation - 200 pts - Due March 8th (Periods 2-4) and March 9th (per. 5-7)

Objective: Students will use Keynote and iMovie to create a short anthropomorphized animated character movie.

Why take the time to develop an animated character? Because if you are creative and diligent, work hard and keep at it you may be able to turn this into a well paying entrepreneurial career for yourself. How well paying? Well take a look at this page that tells how much these Youtube entrepreneurs are making. 

Instructions: Using Anthro Character Outline, Screenplay, and any prior animation (if you wish), create an animated character in Keynote.

Requirements: Animation project must:

1) Be 30 seconds or longer in length, not counting title page.
2) Have an animated title page with byline done in Keynote
3) Have an anthropomorphized animated character that is not a copy of anybody else's character.
4) Have at least 5 lines of dialogue that are punctuated by action. Dialogue may be voiceover or text-in-dialogue ballon.
5) Have an "End" screen with credits.
6) Have no more than 3 seconds "dead" time, that is, time on screen where there is no movement.
7) Must have PUBLIC DOMAIN/COPYRIGHT CLEARED music as background. NO EXCEPTIONS! This means choosing music from iMovie, Garageband, or from Sound Effects Library (ask Ms Hawks).
8) Must be appropriate for an 8 year old child to watch (no swear words, gorey/bloody violence, drug or sexual references).

NOTE:  It may be possible for 2 or more students to work on the same animation, but project will need to be longer. Speak to Ms. Hawks about details.

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