Tuesday, June 22, 2010

About Video Production Class

The ROP Video Production class is a yearlong course designed to give students a basic and broad understanding of the film and video production process. It is the prerequisite course for the Cinema Arts course, meaning it must be taken with a passing grade before a student is allowed to take Cinema Arts.

The areas of study within this course are:

1. The Production Process: Preproduction (preparation for filming, such as scriptwriting, storyboarding, casting, technical and artistic preparation), Production (filming and everything related to actual filming, such as setting up lights, cameras, directing actors) Post Production (after filming; editing, adding music and special computer effects). Beyond the making of the movie, Distribution and Marketing are also sometimes considered part of the production process.

2. Film Occupations: What producers, directors, assistant directors, gaffers, grips, editors, etc., actually do.

3. Standard Film Lingo: terminology you must understand in order to converse about film. Terms such as; genre, shot, scene, sequence, plot, montage, protagonist, antagonist, conflict, synopsis.

4. Technical Knowledge: This includes basic knowledge of how to navigate an iMac, and Apple software applications such as iMovie, Garageband, Photobooth. It also means learning the fundamentals of video camera operation, lighting, and sound.

5. Basic Screenwriting and Script Interpretation: Professional Hollywood scripts follow a very exact format and have very specific terminology such as slugline/scene heading, action, character heading. Script interpretation means reading and visualizing what the screenwriter wants you to see, but also adding your own unique vision to the script when appropriate.

6. Camera Angles and Maneuvers: What is a low angle, POV, dolly or dutch angle? When would you use an extreme close-up or a two-shot? Which camera angle do you choose to get the greatest emotional response?

7. Working as an Effective Production Team: Filmmaking is usually a collaborative process, and students work in production teams in this course. Here we practice skills that are essential and valuable for most occupations: communication, cooperation, respect, flexibility, ingenuity, creativity, support, honesty, initiative, technical skill and follow-through. This area is probably the most critical for success in this class, and if you learn to work well with others in a mature and professional manner, you will have learned what are probably the most important skills for getting and keeping a job.

What You Must Do to Pass This Class

1. Show up. Excused absences are understandable, but since this class requires hands-on cooperation and participation, especially on video production days when we are filming, it is very important to everyone on your team to have you physically present and ready to work.

2. Have a Good Attitude and be Ready to Work. Because this is a Regional Occupation Program course, also known as Career Technical Education, your training (and our CTE standards) require that you learn how to behave appropriately and effectively on the job. If your future employer finds you are unwilling to work, not doing what your supervisor has asked you to do, disrespectful of fellow employees, arriving late, mishandling equipment, stealing, swearing, or doing anything which everyone understands is counter productive to the task at hand, she or he is likely to reprimand or fire you. I will likely dock you some points (which I can do, being a CTE instructor) or write up a discipline referral, call your parents, ban you from using the video equipment, or all of the above. I would much rather give you a good grade, as I find this usually makes everyone much happier.

3. Pay Attention, Do the Assignment. Every day in class there is usually a short lecture and a small written assignment. Often this means copying down one or a few new terms and definitions to learn, for which you are given some points. These assignments will be graded and go into your folder, which you will then use during final exams. If you don't do these assignments, not only will you not know the material, but you won't have anything to refresh your memory during the test, not to mention the lack of points will bring down your grade.

4. Complete Your Projects: In a production team, sometimes things fall apart. People get sick and don't show up for a week. People drop out. People just don't do their job, for whatever reason. However, this does not excuse the rest of the team from the assignment. I have seen students complete video projects when their team went from 8 students down to 2, and do it well. I am very impressed when I see students take initiative to complete projects in the face of production challenges, and usually reward them with extra points.

5. Study for the Final: There are a hundred to two hundred terms and procedures to learn in this course just to have a basic understanding of filmmaking. There are quizzes and semester finals. The final is challenging, but it is not impossible to get all questions correct, especially if one puts their mind to it.

6. Talk To Me: If you have a problem or question related to this course, please don't hesitate to see me. I want you to have a positive experience in my class. Your success is my success.

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