Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cinema Arts Final

The 1st Semester Cinema Arts Final will consist of four parts: Reading, Essay, Skills, Knowledge.

Part 1: Reading for Information - US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010-2011 Edition; Motion Picture & Video Industries. 80 Points

Instructions:  Read and familiarize yourself with the questions, then read carefully through the document which can be found at this link US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010-2011 Edition: Motion Picture and Video Industries   (also Ms Hawks will pass out a copy to each student).  Write the questions and your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Please be neat and write legibly. Use complete sentences an paraphrase (use your words) the information.

1. Give three specific examples of how digital technology is changing the motion picture industry.

2. Describe several of the advantages and challenges of working in the motion picture industry.

3. Table 2 shows the employment numbers for workers in the film industry for 2008, and the projected percentage increase of workers needed for 2008 through 2018. Which 6 occupations are expected to have the most growth?

4. Under the Training and Advancement section, the document talks about schooling for various occupations, but what qualities do they say are the most important for getting a job?

5. Wage and Salary employment in the film industry is expected to grow between 2008 and 2018. How much more will it grow in comparison to all other industries?

6. Name the three occupations in the creative sector of filmmaking that earn the highest median wage, and write what their median wage is.

7. Name three industry unions and who belongs to them. Also, why do you think workers join industry unions?

8. Why is reading a document of this nature helpful to someone?

Part 2: Essay - 200 possible points

Instructions: Choose a movie that has made a significant emotional impact on you and write a two-page single-spaced essay about it. Describe the cinematic techniques that the filmmaker used to create an emotional effect, and be detailed in telling the scenes and how the filmmaker dealt with them. Points will be given for completeness (20%), attention to detail (20%), organization (20%), content (use of cinema terms, unique observations about the film) (20%), neatness (20%).
NOTE: It is best to have a movie you can watch in detail and take notes.

Part 3: Skills: Camera Set up - 50 possible points

Student must demonstrate ability to set up tripod, camera and sound equipment.

1) Take tripod from bag, set it up so that camera is at eye-level and the tripod is level.
2) Set up Panasonic DV camera with tape, battery.
3) Get all equipment necessary for sound. Set up for lavalier mic.
4) Turn on camera and test sound and video.
5) Return all items to their proper storage area.

Part 4: Knowledge: Multiple Choice and Matching Final - 200 pts

See blog posts Final Study Guides parts 1, 2 and 3 to find out content.

    Tuesday, December 7, 2010

    Video Production: Jan 4; Movie Trailer: Camera Angle #2 Project

    Camera Angle #2 Project  240 possible points

    Objective: Students will create a short Movie Trailer in their production teams.

    1) All new camera angles & movements must be included, but others may be used as well. The Camera Angles that must be included are: Low Angle, High Angle, Canted/Dutch Angle, Bird's Eye View, Worm's Eye View, Dolly, Zoom, Track/Truck, Let In/Let Out, Let In and Follow

    2. Must follow the Movie Trailer Genre, meaning it must contain elements which distinguish a trailer from a film, e.g., MPAA Preview Approval Screen, "Coming Soon,""Starring..."

    3. Movie that the trailer is about must have a clear genre, e.g., must show elements of horror or romance.

    4. The trailer may be about:
    A) The movie your team just made, and may include some shots from that movie.
    B) A movie that doesn't yet exist.
    C) A movie that has been made already.

    5. Before your team will be allowed to film, you must submit:

    A) A clear synopsis of the story that you are making the trailer for.
    B) A Team-produced storyboard. Each person in your team must contribute to this storyboard. For instance, if there are 3 persons on your team, each person must draw at least 3 of the new angles in storyboard panels.

    Monday, December 6, 2010

    Final Study Guide, Part 3: Visual & Story Structure

    Pt III:  Visual & Story Structure
    1.The smallest unit of film, 24 to 30 run through a projector every second.
    2. A brief (one or two sentences) description of the basic story, idea or concept of a film.
    3. Places in a story or film where something significant happens to turn the story or protagonist in another direction.
    4. The person or thing that causes conflict for the protagonist, often the "bad guy."
    5. The personal change a character goes through from the beginning of a film to the end.
    6. The main character of a story or film, who the story is about.
    7. The smallest unit of visual story on the screen, what editors use to put films together. 
    8. A story unit where a bit of drama is played out in continuous time.
    9. Classic story structure, with a Set-up, Conflict, and Resolution.

    10. Any fictional film, as opposed to documentary or reality TV.
    11. The graphic-novel-like drawing that shows what is to be shot and how, usually includes specific camera angles and movements.
    12. The term that defines the catagory of a film, such as horror, romance or action.
    13. A scene that jumps into the past or the future.
    14. Spoken dialogue that describes the visual scene, but is recorded by an actor or other speaker after the scene is shot and put onto the soundtrack during editing.

    Pt 3: Visual & Story Structure: Answers
    1. Frame (noun)
    2. Synopsis
    3. Plot Points
    4. Antagonist
    5. Character Arc
    6. Protagonist
    7. Shot
    8. Scene
    9. Three Act Structure
    10. Narrative
    11. Storyboard
    12. Genre
    13. Flashback or Flashforward
    14. Voiceover Narration

    Final Study Guide, Part 2: Production Phases & Occupations

    Part II: Production Phases and Occupations
    1. Someone who writes screenplays, that is, scripts for film and television.

    2. A final stage in the production of a film or a television program, occurring after the action has been filmed or videotaped and typically involving editing and the addition of soundtracks and visual effects.

    3. A photographer who operates a movie camera. 

    4.  Actors without speaking roles used as “background” or in crowd scenes. Not mentioned in the film credits.

    5. The person who makes the ultimate creative decisions about the look of a film, and works with actors to get the best performance.

    6. An electrician responsible for lighting on a movie or tv set. 
    7. Runs the set, plans the cost-efficient scheduling of locations and talent, schedules the days’ shooting and is responsible for carrying out the director’s instructions. 
    8. The actors in a movie with speaking roles.
    9. The phase of film production in which the major scenes with the lead actors movie are actually shot, as distinct from pre-production and post-production. Also known as the “principal photography” phase.
    10. Film crew member who moves or sets up track for camera equipment, installs rigging for lights or sets or moves production equipment.
    11.  Someone who creates the conditions for making movies. They co-ordinate, supervise and control matters such as fund-raising, hiring key personnel and arranging for distributors. They are involved throughout all phases of the film-making process from development to completion of a project.
    12. The planning stage of a film or television program involving script rewriting, budgeting, hiring crew, scheduling, casting, storyboarding, set/costume design and location selection.
    13. A cinematographer responsible to the director for achieving optimum image on film. Selects the camera and lighting equipment and supervises camera and lighting crews for each shot.
    14. The phase of film production in which the movie is actually shot, as distinct from pre-production and post-production. Also known as the “principal photography” phase.
    15. A person in charge of keeping track of the props of a production as well as obtaining or purchasing them. 
    16. People on or near a set who are not part of the cast or crew.
    17. First phase of production process, where ideas and characters are fleshed out, and scripts are written.
    18. Person who assembles the shot footage into a film, adds sound, titles, sound FX.
    19. Person who finds and secures locations for a shoot. They are responsible for any problems that arise between the location community and the film crew.
    20. Person who takes careful production notes to make sure that errors do not occur during filming (such as actors suddenly changing positions from take to take) and makes detailed production reports.
    21. Everyone working on a film set who are not the cast or talent.
    22. The phase of production where a finished film is marketed and leased to a theater or other venue.
    23. Plans how to mic the scenes. May operate the mic boom and records dialogue.

    Pt 2: Production Phases & Occupations
    1. Screenwriter
    2. Post Production
    3. Camera Operator
    4. Extras
    5. Director
    6. Gaffer
    7.  Assistant Director
    8. Cast or Talent
    9. Production
    10. Grip
    11. Producer
    12. Preproduction
    13. Director of Photography or DP
    14. Production
    15. Prop Master
    16. Civilians
    17. Development
    18. Editor
    19. Location Manager
    20. Continuity or Script Supervisor
    21. Crew
    22. Distribution
    23. Sound Operator

    1st Semester Final Study Guide: Part 1, Camera Angles

    Here it is, your study guide! It will be available through finals week and beyond, (except when finals are actually given, just in case you were tempted to call up this page on your cell phone, which you shouldn't be using in class anyhow). The answers are below, you may have to scroll a bit to read them.

    Best of luck to all of you, my wonderful students! You have great brains and you will do just fine.

    Ms Hawks

    Pt 1:  Camera Angles & Techniques
    1. Camera angle which shows an object in great detail, such as a bit of a face, like an eye that fills the screen.
    2. Camera angle where the camera is placed near the ground and shoots up.
    3. Camera movement that focuses in or out to make an object larger or smaller.
    4. Camera movement where the camera is moved upward or downward along a vertical axis.
    5. A camera shot taken as if through a character’s eyes.
    6. A camera shot where a subject enters or exits the frame while the camera is in a fixed position.
    7. A camera shot where the subject is kept inside the frame as they move about. 
     8. A camera shot where camera is positioned behind someone’s shoulder, usually as they have a conversation with a second subject.
    9. A camera shot where a subject’s entire body is in the frame, with head and feet near the top and bottom of the frame.
    10. Camera angle where an object fills the screen, or a face is shot from the neck up.
    11. Camera angle that shows a scene from a distance, so that most of the scene is on the screen and location is easily understood.
    12. Camera angle where the camera is elevated and shoots down.
    13. Camera movement where the camera is pushed toward or away from the filmed object. 
    14. To turn or rotate a camera horizontally. 
    15. A camera shot taken of a subject from about the waist up.
    16. A camera shot where a subject enters the frame and the camera then follows their movements.
    17. A camera angle where the camera is slanted and not level with the horizon.
    18. Camera shots where two characters’ views of each other are shown, often used in conversation and often using two cameras.
    19. Angle that is taken from the ground, filming straight up. 
    20. Guideline of filming that states that two subjects in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other, and that the camera always stays within the same imaginary half circle around them.
    21. Angle that is taken from the air, or up high, filming straight down.
    22. Camera movement that follows alongside a subject as they move, or moves around their body.
    23. Framing a subject from the chest up.
    24. Usually the first shot of a film, that shows where the film takes place and gives the setting, and often, the main character or characters.
    25. One continuous shot where the actors play out an entire scene, shot in wide angle.

    Pt 1: Camera Angles & Techniques: Answers
    1. Extreme Closeup
    2. Low Angle
    3. Zoom
    4. Tilt
    5. POV/Point of View
    6. Let In or Let Out
    7. Follow shot
    8. Over the Shoulder
    9. Full Shot
    10. Close up or Choker
    11. Wide Angle
    12. High Angle
    13. Dolly
    14. Pan
    15. Medium Shot
    16. Let In and Follow
    17. Canted or Dutch Angle
    18. Reverse shots
    19. Worm's Eye View
    20. 180 Degree Rule
    21. Birds' Eye View
    22. Track or Truck
    23. Medium Close Up or Bust Shot
    24. Establishing Shot
    25. Master Shot